Order Polyglobe user license

What our clients say:
“In my capacity as product manager, head of sales and CEO it is crucial for me to have up-to-date information on capacity utilisation levels, impending maintenance turnarounds and expansion plans for global polymer production lines and crackers. That is why I was one of the first subscribers to Polyglobe and have been successfully using the database ever since.”
Wolfgang Binder, Wolf Polymere Solutions
Polyglobe allows you to...
Hakenplan your actions more efficiently and effectively
Hakencritically assess producers, competitors and market data
Hakenaccess all relevant information in just one database
Hakenmake do without expensive market studies and time-consuming data collection
 The intelligent path to market transparency.
  • Future plans:
    New facilities, forecasts, growth rates, etc.
  • Products:
    Monomers and polymers
  • Producers:
    Product portfolio, activities, co-operations, JVs, etc.
  • Availabilities:
    Present, planned and historic. Incl. forces majeures, etc.
  • Capacities:
    Present and future capacities, market shares, rankings

Yes, we would like to receive online access to the Polyglobe
database for the following number of users:

  no. of users discount  license fee p.a.
  single user - EUR 1,500.00
  additional users, price per user 30% EUR 1,050.00
All prices plus VAT. More than 5 user on request.
License fee: EUR ,00 (plus VAT) p.a. for user(s)

Subscription invoice will be sent to this e-mail address.
 on account     by credit card
* required

The contract period for a user license is 12 months. The subscription will be renewed automatically for 12 months at the currently valid annual subscription price unless it is cancelled up to four weeks before the end of the previous subscription period. Our confirmation of the cancellation is the receipt for the termination of your license.
I have read and accepted the general terms and conditions.